To strengthen some muscles and work on my posture I carry out some exercises. One of them is a kind of plank with one knee on the floor and the other pointing straight out into the air. And then keeping that pose for some time.
To make it a bit more challenging I thought I should add some weight to my ankles. You have to keep progressing. So I bought some weights you can strap around your ankles to make the exersise a bit harder.
It is a good thing that I do not do these exersises in public. Boy does this look ridiculous. It looks as if I came straight from mars. Like those woman in the early eighties wearing fluffy woolen leg wamers aoround their calves. Totally rediculous.
Weights from Mars
And in the end the exersize is getting harder, not because of the physical weight, but it is a harder to find a location where you are not spotted by others. Well, the end justifies the means.
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