What is going on Blog


in News & Updates Mud

What was supposed to be an ordinary cycling tour became a bit of a mess. I know it is autumn. I know had rained now and then in the past few weeks. And now I also know I’d better waited for the afternoon so thing things could have dried up. On the other hand, I...
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in News & Updates Colorful

I somehow tend to buy more colorful sneakers. Usually the more colorful ones are worn during sports and free time activities. But since corona forces me to work from home there is no one looking me strance in the eyes (as if I care) I like to wear them at home too. All day long....
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in News & Updates Closet

Today I finished updating my closet by adding a few shelves to place my sneakers on. I should have taken a picture of the pile of shoes I had laying around before. Every day a new struggle – or you may call it a surprise – if I can find the sneakers I want to...
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To strengthen some muscles and work on my posture I carry out some exercises. One of them is a kind of plank with one knee on the floor and the other pointing straight out into the air. And then keeping that pose for some time. To make it a bit more challenging I thought I...
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In my last post I told about taking a picture of my sneakers with the cherry blosssom in the background. That was April 11. Today I saw birds attacking the tree, which means that the cherries are ripening. So I took the same picture again. This time it was a lot easier to shoot the...
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in News & Updates Spring!

Spring is in the air And the cherry tree looks like a beautiful white cloud in the garden. It contrasts nicely against a backdrop of the green grass and the blue sky. The sun is slowly sinking under the horizon, lighting the tree from the side and pulling long shadows. This is the moment to...
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16×9 and masonry – huh? wtf?? The past few days I changed the proportions of the pictures. All pictures are in the 16×9 ratio, but I left that for two reasons. The most obvious one is that some pictures have a lot of ‘nothing’ on it. And a second reason is the overview page of...
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I finally managed to catch up and am now able to go live. The site is now up to date. So lets try to keep it that way. If you have any comments, please feel free to drop me a line below or send me a message via contact page or simply e-mail me.
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You know, I didn’t plan to start this website. Not even to shoot a picture every day of what would be on my feet. Actually I was playing around with my new phone to explore the new camera arrangement. Together with the new software it offered a lot of nice features. I was charmed by...
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